Monday, June 29, 2020

Things I Enjoyed in June

Things I enjoyed this month: flying my American flag on Flag Day on June 14 and Juneteenth. Seeing people visit the cemetery across the street from my house. Some bring flowers; some stand a few moments; some sit on a bench or on the ground. It is very moving to think about their stories.

I have enjoyed taking care of plants in my flowerbed and yard. Here is an interesting find in the grass. A friend identified it as Polygala nana, and Wikipedia supplied "commonly known as candyroot or low bachelors' buttons." I tried moving some to a shady spot in the flowerbed before it was mowed but it doesn't seem to be happy there. 

My oregano has been growing so profusely that I had to trim and pull up lots of roots. I shared with several friends and have a sack drying some for cooking. 
I have planted zinnia seeds in several places and they are coming up like weeds. Instructions say to thin out some, but I can't bring myself to pull up any. 

Elizabeth was an ever-present helper as I finished my Shared Fiber Art piece for Rena Krol, who loves leaves like I do. 

The latest puzzle is finished. Placing white paper under it was a great help working on my dark wood dining room table.

My last Shared Fiber Art piece in our Southern Fiber Artists exchange was for Leanne Green. I combined some of the quilted green damask I had made stoles for my co-pastors for with a deconstructed piece containing painting, inking, and machine and hand embroidery. It is titled Only God Can Make a Tree. 

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Breakfast with a Friend and a New Puzzle

The nicest thing happened to me this week. A friend called saying she had been missing me and would I like to come over for breakfast on her back patio. What a treat to sit down across a table with a dear friend and enjoy flowers, birds, fellowship. Then she sent me home with the sunflowers from the table. This was my view above the sink all week.  Things definitely look brighter viewed through flowers!
There is a new puzzle on the table to tempt me to while away some more time when it is too hot outside to go for a walk. Elizabeth is ready to help. After she greets a squirrel friend looking in the window.

There has also been some stitching going on, most of it involving leaves and leaf patterns. I love to use saved caladium leaves for artwork.