You'd think time would drag in these "safer-at-home" conditions, but the days are rushing by. The COVID death rate is up to 175,000 in the U.S. and all of my former regular activities are either cancelled or meeting online through Zoom and YouTube. It is a confusing time. Temps have been in the 90s, so I am watering my flowerbeds every day. And now we have TWO storms (Marco and Laura) heading our way in the Gulf of Mexico.
My hydrangeas have not had even one flower, and the zinnia seeds produced tall leafy plants with no flowers. But you can always count on coleus! I even added four more small plants last week. My red bell pepper plant has a beautiful pepper on it--hoping it will turn red.
Zinnias growing taller, but no blooms
I do not see any honey bees, and only one bumble bee, finally one butterfly, but no caterpillars making new butterflies. Hoping for better luck next summer.
I helped make more liturgical banners for my church, University Baptist Church. The six side banners are complete and ready to hang when we can be back in our sanctuary. These are green and white felt, 24" wide x 36" high, double-sided, and represent the Greek symbols Alpha and Omega and Chi Rho.
I've made several more Color Block wall quilts. These simple but colorful pieces are fun to stitch, and making straight rows or other geometric patterns gives a satisfying feeling of being in control of at least one area of my life during the uncertainty of the pandemic.
Meanwhile, the cats are always entertaining. They have been especially affectionate after having noisy workmen in the house doing the kitchen work.
Tarbaby leaning on my neck from the back of my chair
Elizabeth enjoying a leisurely breakfast
Elizabeth enjoying a leisurely breakfast
Rahrah pretending to be the favorite kitty