Tuesday, April 7, 2020

It's Palm Sunday

It's Palm Sunday, and I cannot recall ever not being able to attend worship services and see little children walk down the aisles waving palm branches. Our choir will not sing a moving Maundy Thursday service ending with "Christ We Do All Adore Thee" as the room is gradually darkened and the Christ candle is removed, leaving the room totally dark.
Next Sunday we will celebrate Easter by watching on computers and cell phones as our ministers and musicians remind us that the message that Christ Is Risen is still the hope of the world. Praise God.
I make the best of our shelter-in-place and physical distancing by sitting on my front porch, walking around my yard and over to the walking trail a quarter-mile away. Of course, my fabrics and machines are a source of enjoyment, especially as I have been able to supply masks to friends as well as participate in an innovative project by the polymer science department at USM which will benefit surgeons as hospitals are stretched to their limit. 

Here are some growing things I enjoyed today. Actually, from two days' walk:
Swiss Chard
First, my Swiss chard growing and harvested. in my yard there are tiny hostas pushing up; milkweed blooming, wisteria sending out long stems trying to reach the holly tree. The amaryllis is swelling. 

I cut some, hoping to encourage more growth




Yellow milkweed

Red milkweed

Wisteria bush after blooming
First, before heading out, I must have hand wipes in my pocket. No telling what I might want to pick up.

 Three people were catching some sun. Their two beautiful dogs really wanted to be loose from their leashes.
The next day the city had put yellow tapes around the gazebos to indicate people could not gather. Walking on the trail is still permitted.

It is okay to sit but not congregate
   On the second day, there were yellow tapes around the gazebos to discourage people from gathering in the park. Walking on the trail is permitted during our Shelter-in-Place orders from the city and state.
 Back at home, the amaryllis continues should be open in another day.

The little orange kitten has not been at the park again, making me think he surely lives at the house just behind the woods adjoining the trail. 🐈🐈🐈


Dots said...

Yes. It is different this year. First time ever for most Churches. I think it is a good thing though. Change brings growth in a lot of different way. I know God is watching to see how people do their worship of Him from a different place. It all just makes you think. Maybe more good will come out of this than we ever thought about? I think that people may come to be more thankful and God centered during this slow-down. God Bless.

tierneycreates said...

Lovely photos!
There is something so sad about those who attend Palm Sunday and Easter Service not being able to attend. I hope you have a blessed Easter even though you cannot experience in person community.

Carol Connell said...

Love this!

Martha Ginn said...

Thanks, Dots and tierneycreates and Carol Connell! I appreciate your reading and commenting. We're still sheltering in place and worshipping online. But that's doable and smart to keep each other safe.