Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Mississippi Ag Museum in Bloom--Finished

After seeing this project in various stages for several months, it was quite exciting seeing the five completed sections displayed together. We met May 7 in Jackson and showed the pieces and decided on a name: "Mississippi Ag Museum in Bloom," with each section bearing the name given by its maker. Each section measures approximately 24" wide x 36" long, with a little variance to accommodate the lettering. The design source for the piece is a photo in the Ag Museum archives. Here is the finished piece hanging together. Click on any image to enlarge.

Mississippi Ag Museum in Bloom

Here are the five sections, from left to right.
The Birdhouse, by Marcus Weekley, Gulfport

The Mule Barn, by Martha Ginn, Hattiesburg
Wagons & Roses, by Cathy Reininger, Madison
Small Town Mississippi, by Julia Graber, Brooksville
The Print Shop, by Rita Warnock, Madison
We will display the finished piece in Vicksburg at the Old Man River Quiltfest in August and then in Hattiesburg at the Pine Belt Quilters Fiber Art & Quilt Show October 7-8-9.

After a year of referring to our group that Julia Graber began as "our art group," "art quilters," "our little art group," "our SAQA pod," we decided to call ourselves "Southern Fiber Artists." Rita Warnock has graciously agreed to chair the group for a while with the help of others picking up duties, and we will continue to meet centrally at the Electric Power Association of Mississippi, in Ridgeland, rather than trying to move about the state.


tierneycreates said...

This is amazing!!!

Martha Ginn said...

Thanks, Tierney...we are pleased with the end result.

Althea said...

I am looking forward to seeing this work at the Pine Belt Quilter's show in Hattiesburg. I'm not only impressed by the skilled artists' technique, but also the successful reproduction of the photo in such a large scale work. Well done, everyone!

Martha Ginn said...

Thanks, Althea!

Vivian Helena said...

Fantastic, beautiful. Amazing. , vivian

Ellen Lindner said...

Love it! Congratulations.

Joan Schaller Bauer said...

Aletha said it best! It is stunning and what an interesting concept to have 5 people collaborate on a piece! I wish we could super-enlarge the photo's to see the details! I am curious as to how you did your foliage in the forefront! Lovely pieces!

Martha Ginn said...

About the foliage--there was a lot of collage and overlay, raw-edge applique, confetti under tulle, some tacked loops of fabric for texture. Since we worked independently, it was amazing how such disparate approaches came together, each to show the hand of the maker.

Martha Ginn said...

Here is a previous post showing some of the in-progress photos of my section:

Juanita Ashley, Wesson said...

Martha do you mind if I share this with my friend Walt Grayson?? I'm sure he would love to do a segment for Looking Around Mississippi!!! Let me know please-- love you

Martha Ginn said...

Thanks, Juanita. And of course I'd be happy for you to share it with Walt Grayson. Let me know if you need anything else.

Susan Lenz said...

Absolutely FABULOUS!

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous collaborative art piece! I look forward to seeing what you plan next.