Monday, December 28, 2015

Turning 80

It's hard to believe I turned 80 yesterday (December 26), given my impression of what 80 looked and acted like up to this point in my life. Perhaps I shouldn't be so surprised at reaching this age, since my parents lived to 89 and 91. I was loved by a wonderful man for 57 years; I have two children who make me proud. My art brings me pleasure and lets me express my love of all things. And music. Shortly before my dad died he said, "oh, what would we do if we didn't have music?" I laugh at this often, especially when hearing an organ at full volume, remembering how his tastes stopped many decibels lower.
I suppose it is natural to be philosophical at milestones such as birthdays and year ends. This statement that my daughter quoted on Facebook recently really caught my attention: “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”-- Ralph Waldo Emerson
I like that. . . it seems to be a good way to live these next several years. With my cats.
Elizabeth, Rah-Rah, Tarbaby at 6 months old sharing a box

Tarbaby, Rah-Rah, Elizabeth at 2 years old sharing the headboard


Moni said...

Belated happy birthday - may you continue to enjoy life and create wonderful quilts for many more years!

Vivian Helena said...

Oh so true. Enjoy each day. Love the kitties. Happy New Year.

Jeanne Marklin said...

Happy Belated birthday! Isn't it amazing that no matter how old we get, we still hear our parents voices? You are so productive, you are definitely living out the Emerson quote. Kids, kitties and quilts! Hope to see you at the SAQA conference in April.

Martha Ginn said...

Thanks, all!
Jeanne, our meeting at the 2013 SAQA conference in Santa Fe was memorable--would love to do it again but won't make it. It's so good to stay in touch.

Pat .F in Winnipeg said...

Congratulations Martha! Quite a milestone. I, too, reached a milestone this week with y 50th wedding anniversary on the 28th. We're both too young to be doing these things, but I believe it takes buts, determination, and a whole lot of love to achieve these things. Well done!
Pat F in Winnipeg

Martha Ginn said...

Yes, these milestones are important and need to be celebrated. Pat, I think I remember you were scheduled for knee replacements during last year; if so, I hope you are doing well. My second one on Dec. 9 of 2014 really gave me a new outlook on life! It took a while, but nothing worthwhile comes quickly or easily!

Martha Ginn said...

Moni, I remember we enjoyed an Ellen Lindner class together. Hope you are still hiking and creating!

Ellen Lindner said...

Happy birthday! You are way too young to be 80.

Martha Ginn said...

Thanks, Ellen.....I keep wondering how I "suddenly" reached this number. But I am thankful for my health and happiness and ability to still be active and creative. The other day I wondered aloud when I should begin to act 80. My daughter said, "Be sure to let me know first."