Pronounced "tee-uh-kotta" |
Every year a group from various parts of Mississippi gathers at Lake Tiak-O'Khata near Louisville, MS, for an informal retreat. Last week was our 20th year to meet, and we have some special friendships among these quilters. We have lost some, grieved over losses, celebrated good news and grandbabies, and done lots of stitching in the three days we stay there. One of our group prepared a 10-minute CD of memories from previous years, with a copy for each of us--a real treasure.
We stay in the A-frame cabins with a large meeting room for stitching |
Some of our Show & Tell is the finished product of what we
watched being stitched over many years. It is always refreshing to get
with good friends and talk (and do) quilting.
Margaret Miller showed a Friendship Basket that many of us had made blocks for |
Four quilters (Ollie Jean, Charlotte, Ann, and Rebecca) shared fabrics and made their own version of one pattern. Rebecca said, "Don't leave the room if you don't want to get volunteered for something." |
We bring some of our food but also enjoy the sumptuous buffet meals at
the restaurant. They make awesome homemade pies and the coffee keeps
Sign in the restaurant |
looks like a lot of fun, and beautiful setting..
Ralph doing pretty good, surgery a bit more extensive, because they has to release a bicep muscle that was frayed.. all done orthoscopically. IF that is a word.
He has exercises to do several times a day, but can not use the muscles in that arm, stretching etc.. which I have to hold his arm and move it.. Next week-end is Trails and trying to figure out how to do all this stuff, with out his help and get his exercises in etc..
Then I volunteered to give a talk to Rotary Club on Tues.promoting the Home Studio and really asking for a grant, listing our projects for the community etc.. so that is the job I am doing between Ralph's needs.. as always there could have been a better time... but then that is life. Thanks for asking. Still in the 90's but expected to cool to the 80's next week.
do you have any new kittens? hugs, v
Thanks for writing, Vivian. Yes, the retreat was fun and so good to get with these friends again.
Your schedule keeps you running; mostly because you are good at what you do.
No foster kittens right now; giving my Tarbaby, Elizabeth, and RahRah extra attention!
oh, so important these long lasting friendships. LeeAnna
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