My Barn Quilt Sign is painted and has several coats of clear acrylic spray. I needed to do some trimming of the loropetalum bushes to open up the view by the little shop building where I wanted to install the sign. After this was done I asked a friend if he would come and help me put the sign up. His wife had made him one as a surprise and I knew he was pleased with it. Here is what it looks like on the side of my shop building. It is visible from the side street where my long driveway goes to the back of the house.
I'm so pleased with it!
Meanwhile, in the house I've been working on some Advent banners for my church. They are cut-away royal blue felt and are in four parts--The Angel, The Shepherds, The Family, and The Kings. Several people have been helping construct these. All are 48" wide; two are 72" long and two are 96" long. These will be hung for the November 30 service which begins the Advent season. These occupied the dining room table for several weeks, with a sheet protecting from kitty paws.
Ellen, Martha, and Kat working on Advent Banner |
While I was painting the Barn Quilt sign and working on the Banners in the dining room, my sewing room stayed unusually neat. Now that these two projects are finished, it has taken on that familiar "well-used" look again.
Something interesting outside |
Your sign looks great!
the sign looks wonderful
and I love the picture of the banners in process
looks like you've been very busy!
Love your barn sign--I've wanted to put one up on my barn in Wisconsin but that is on the bottom of a long list of things to do in renovating the farm house and the outbuildings.
Sylvia in Beaumont
Thanks, Norma, Bev, and Sylvia! My little shop can double as a barn. Some friends have put them on gates, hanging double-sided under a porch, and on garages. It's neat to advertise that we are quilters!
Wow! You have been busy!! Great projects.....
Thanks, Ruth. Yes, busy, but the barn quilt sign and felt cut-away banners were way down on the difficulty scale compared to your intricately pieced work. Very enjoyable, though.
The sign looks fabulous Martha. Love your little shop too.
My "little shop" was Roy's un-airconditioned handyman-woodworking playhouse, is now only a storage building, but still the perfect place for a barn quilt sign.
oh yes, that familiar well used look. The one mine always has.
Or the abandoned ghost town look! LeeAnna
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