This huge buffalo head was on the third floor of the capitol building as part of the Capitol Art Foundation collection of New Mexico art. Holly Hughes constructed it in 1992 as a community-related art project that emphasized recycling and environmental awareness. She said, "The buffalo has inspired art in man since the first cave drawings. For this reason, old paint brushes form the bridge of the nose and film was woven into the brow. News headlines from the 1992 Superbowl . . . are found in the horns. Pottery shards are worked into the nose, connecting Native Americans to the buffalo through pieces of dried mud. One eye is a lantern, symbol of light, hope, strength. The other eye is a fishing reel, with a horseshoe surrounding it. The buffalo, once as plentiful on the plains as fish in the ocean, were slaughtered by men on horses wearing horseshoes. This piece is a sample of how I enjoy combining materials that are not only the appropriate color and texture, but symbolically relevant to the theme of the piece as well." (Identification label on the wall.)

Betty Busby's amazing "Nambe Lake" in the SAQA Exhibit at the Capitol
Detail of "Nambe Lake"
I just loved these fences made of small logs.
Shuttles were provided between the Lodge and the art galleries, St. Francis Cathedral, Loretto Chapel, restaurants, and shops. We had to walk or find other transportation to other points of interest, such as the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum, and then find our way to a pick-up point for our shuttle.
1 comment:
Ah - Santa Fe. The last time I was there was 1971 and it was still a one-horse town. Thanks for sharing these wonderful pix!
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