Pine Belt Quilters makes children's quilts all year long. We also make isolette covers for the NICU at Forrest General Hospital. The bright flannel prints are cheerful for the families and nursing staff. The underside is light gray, which allows the nurses to see the baby's true skin color. We also make walker totes (which can be used as catheter bag covers). After being so involved with my art quilts, it was time to do some traditional sewing, and these projects fit the bill. Placemats can be repurposed to make these totes, or almost any leftover fabric can be used.
Walker totes |
I had some wild fat quarter packets that are perfect for a bright and happy child's quilt. I think I will add strips of black/white prints for sashing. Easy cutting into 4" strips and fast sewing. I wonder if a baby can sleep under all these bugs and other critters!
I love the chid's quilt with all those happy prints. Some child will be thrilled with it.
I am in search of a pattern for an Isolette cover to make for the NCIU hospital in our city. I can see many already made, but cant find patterns. I would be interested in patterns that have slits allowing for easy access to baby. Is there anyone out there that can help , thank you
Thanks for commenting about the NICU covers. We actually deconstructed a worn-out one the hospital was using to make our pattern, and it is in six large pieces of brown paper. I think this is the best way to get something that is right for your hospital. If you email me (my name @ I can send you a picture of what the pattern pieces look like laid out on the floor. Good luck!
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