Saturday, April 14, 2012

Tallest Lady Banksia Rose in Mississippi?

After a short, mild winter, we have had a beautiful early spring. The azaleas and dogwood burst forth and I missed getting pictures before a heavy rainstorm. My Lady Banksia rose grew higher than it ever has, climbing up into a persimmon tree and a pine.

Lady Banksia Rose

My single blueberry bush is full of little berries, which the Mockingbirds and I are watching closely for ripening.
Verbena-third year

The purple Verbena has returned for its third year, and the Variegated Thyme is in its second season. Even below freezing temperatures did not seem to bother these hardy plants, and the Thyme is decorated with tiny blooms!
Variegated Thyme
This Rosemary bush should be entered into a contest. I started it from a small pot I bought at a nursery about five years ago. It stays beautiful, bushy, and fragrant year-round. It will begrudgingly root where the branches touch the soil if weighted down with more soil, but it prefers to just droop over the grass and nearby flowerbed.
My favorite bedding plant is Blue Daze, whose real name is Evolvulus glomeratus. It blooms all summer and takes the sun very well. It shares the space with curly parsley and basil.
Parsley and Blue Daze

1 comment:

Holly Knott said...

Martha, your plants are gigantic. I wish rosemary would winter over here, but it doesn't. Even when I lived in NJ (zone 6B/7), only Rosemary "Arp" might, but it wasn't for cooking. That rose is awesome, too!!