Wednesday, July 31, 2024


 It seems the most important thing happening in July was keeping my flowerbeds alive in the Mississippi heat. Some days it took watering twice a day, and dragging the hose about the yard was my major exercise. Toward the end of the month we had some rain relief. The Sun Patience are rewarding me for the watering efforts. And the butterfly bushes are attracting many butterflies. 

My two begonia plants on the front porch are favorites and take very little care (angel wing is in total shade and cane begonia gets morning sun).

I enjoyed making a few simple "stitched pictures" and a little WORD play piece for a friend's birthday.  Elizabeth made sure to give me plenty of attention when I sat in the recliner to read or watch TV. 

The opening of Southern Fiber Artists Mississippi Challenge exhibit at the William Waller Craft Center in Ridgeland was an exciting event. The exhibit will be up through September and then travel to venues across the state in 2025-2026.