My usual Christmas decoration |
I usually try to recap my year and celebrate with reports of quilts and art I have made. This year December seems like a bad dream. On December 1 my precious cat Tarbaby bit my L index finger when I picked up a bag of crackers he mistook for his treats, and I developed a terrible infection with severe pain, doctor visits, antibiotics, until I was hospitalized for surgery to clean out the wound. IV antibiotics will continue for several weeks at home and I am hopeful of regaining flexibility in the finger. So quilting has come to a screeching halt.
What an innocent face |
Home from hospital with bandage under 5 stitches |
The IVs take two hours at 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Luckily I can move about with the yellow ball in a zipper purse on a lanyard around my neck. No IV pole! The medicine is in a yellow ball in a pouch. Here's a full ball and an empty one. I learned how to get these started on my own. I've binge watched lots of Cary Grant movies on the Turner Classic Movie channel.
Elizabeth trying to help |
My tree was a shaped Rosemary plant which I will set out in the flowerbed to replace the overgrown bush I had cut down. It has a delightful scent that I really enjoy.
My Rosemary Tree |
A rare sharing of my lap |
Oh, yes. . . I turned 83 today! (I see it is past midnight, so it was yesterday.) I am looking forward to a healthy, accident-free year of quilting and art in 2019. There's a quilt just waiting for binding.