Sunday, May 30, 2010

Exhibit at Hattiesburg Country Club, April-June 2010

Pieces of the Past (Strawberries)

Return of the Trees, Sunflower

Ghost Flower, Thread Lily

Pieces of the Past, Kitchen Garden Series-Pumpkin, Mississippi Magnolias

Thread Lily, Pumpkin Patch

My fiber art is on exhibit in the main hallway of the Hattiesburg Country Club during April, May and June of 2010. The Pieces of the Past series features 8 x 10 and 11 x 14 matted and framed sections of a crazy quilt made circa 1900. I bought the quilt because of its beauty, but it had too many worn-through and problem areas to use in its whole form. After much thought, I elected to cut the good sections out and frame them under glass so that they could be enjoyed. Even the threadbare sections are beautiful, and where necessary I secured the fragile areas with black tulle to hold the delicate bits of thread and fabric in place. This quilt had more embroidered stitches on it than any other I had seen.
Thread Lily and Mississippi Magnolias are done with "thread-painting"--in other words, I used thread instead of paint to create the flowers. Return of the Trees is my tribute to the regrowth of trees after Hurricane Katrina's devastation in 2005. Angel Trumpet is painted on white silk and then stitched with polyester and rayon threads and framed under glass.

Spring Blooms

Where does the time go? After a very cold winter (with even one snow day in South Mississippi), we are blessed with a riot of color as the azaleas, amaryllis, geraniums, and hydrangeas are blooming, just ahead of the yellow/orange daylilies. My yellow Lady Banksia rose put on another fantastic show with its profusion of tiny flowers again this spring, but I missed getting a photograph. These pictures will be great inspiration for my fiber art.