Monday, March 31, 2008

Juried Exhibit at William Carey University

Chatham Meade, director of the Lucile Parker Gallery at William Carey University, selected 17 pieces made by Pine Belt Quilters for a month-long exhibit at the Gallery. The exhibit opened with a reception March 27 and closed on April 28.

My pieces "When Worlds Collide" (left), "Purple Fern Shadows" (below center), and "Return of the Trees" (below right) were part of the exhibit.

Springtime in South Mississippi

After our one snow day in January, springtime is bursting forth in riotous color. First hint is the redbuds with tiny lavender flowers, then the Japanese magnolias that often bloom so early they get nipped by a late frost, then yellow forsythia and wild vines of yellow flowers, plum and pear trees, and now the large Bradford pears trees covered in fluffy white blooms for a couple of weeks before their green leaves take over. By mid-March the dogwood and azaleas are in full bloom and wisteria vines climb to the tops of pines trees. Our Lady Banksia rose bush climbs and cascades from a dogwood tree as tall as the neighbor's house. Oh, how blessed we are to enjoy these God's gifts to us!