Monday, January 23, 2023

The Cat Tree

I've been working on an important art quilt that has to stay under wraps a bit longer. Flowers aren't blooming yet and my yard is covered in pine straw and dead leaves. Several outside plants have been brought inside because of low temperatures. 

So this post is all about my cats Elizabeth and Rahrah. They're nine years old and I thought they would enjoy a cat tree from Chewy for some climbing stimulation. It came in a huge box and looked pretty complicated to construct. Luckily, Ana Maria Diaz Herrera, a dear viola doctoral student and friend, was here for Christmas break and gladly helped me. 

Cat tree box of parts

Ana Maria adding top shelf
Under construction
She also helped hang an art exhibit at the OLLI Peck House for Dana Stratton. The exhibit will be up through May 2023, with a reception Friday, February 17, at 1:00 p.m. (Later correction--exhibit will be up through summer 2023)
(Standing) Klare Lane, Karrie Pennington, Martha, Georgia Kay Carter
(Seated) Ana Maria and Dana Stratton
The cats were not interested in the tree. Elizabeth loves the big box and spends lots of time in it. Rahrah snuggles on my chest every chance she gets. Sometimes both cats manage to snuggle peacefully. 

Elizabeth in cat tree box

Elizabeth in cat tree box

Elizabeth sleeping in chair during cat tree construction


Both cats on lap

Both cats on lap

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